
Five Year Financial Plan and Comment

Five-Year Financial Plan and Capital Improvement Program FY2025-FY2029 is intended to bridge the gap between GWA’s annual budgeting process, and our long-term 20-year Water Resource Master Plan (2018), and guide our operations and capital projects over the near term. The Financial Plan outlines the revenues needed to address the operation and maintenance (O&M) and regulatory priorities for our water and wastewater systems, and sets out the proposed rate increases necessary for covering projected operational expenses and debt service for financing the required Capital Improvement Program.

The public is invited to review the plan which is available for DOWNLOAD.

Download the presentation on the 5-Year Financial Plan and Capital Improvement Program, which outlines GWA's strategies for addressing new project initiatives, adjusting for inflation, and optimizing financing to manage $898 million in improvements while minimizing rate increases. DOWNLOAD.

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