We hit 90 wells — what does that mean?
Bringing 90 wells online is a huge milestone for helping to restore water service. This means our water system is currently producing about 97% (33 million gallons daily) of pre-storm deep well production to meet the island’s daily water demand and to make gains in reservoir levels. While pre-storm production from wells was approximately 34-36 million gallons daily, we are still slightly short of our normal production rate. Having 90+ wells producing water is vital to begin stabilizing the water distribution system.
GWA typically needs about 90 to 94 wells running to meet demand. Immediately after Typhoon Mawar, we had only 60 of our 120 wells online. As of June 14 our hardworking GWA crews have restored more than 90 wells, which are now producing water enough water to meet daily demand.
Producing enough water for everyone’s needs on Guam is GREAT NEWS. But, we won’t stop there — there is still much to do to distribute the water being produced.
If GWA met the 90 well goal, why don’t I have water service?
The 90 well goal is a milestone because it means that we are now PRODUCING adequate water to meet the needs of the homes and businesses on island. This being said, we are beginning to make gains in reservoir levels and are still about 2 million gallons short of pre-storm production, so the work goes on.
Meeting our 90+ well goals allows our system to have adequate flows to deliver water to homes and business and meet normal customer demand. However, some customers may still not receive water if reservoirs that serve their locations are still not at the proper levels or there were damages caused by the storm to local area pipes or service laterals.
This is a critical next step phase in full restoration, as our crews can now focus their energy on repair and replacing pocket areas that still do not have water, despite improvement of our reservoirs and adequate number of wells in operation.
Does this mean the precautionary boil water notice is still in effect?
As of 2PM on June 13, 2023, GWA has LIFTED its precautionary boil-water notice in ALL AREAS WITH STABLE WATER SERVICE.
This means areas with adequate pressure, chlorine residual levels in the water, and water sampling and analysis which indicate the water in our distribution system is clear of any contaminants.The water supplied in GWA’s potable water tankers and Flex-tanks are from GWA facilities where adequate pressure, chlorine residuals and testing confirm the water is safe to consume and for all other uses. However, we remind the public to ensure that all implements and containers used to draw, transport, and store water from our tankers and Flex-tanks are clean and safe as well
A complete listing of villages and the applicable status of the Precautionary Boil Water Notice, as well as information on the areas in which the Notice remains in effect, can be found at guamwaterworks.org/mawarupdates
Do I still need to conserve water? Why?
YES! Our island’s water system is dynamic, meaning that the amount of water in the reservoirs fluctuates throughout the day based on demand.
Even with 90+ wells operational, it is important to conserve water usage to essential use, to allow our reservoirs to fill up to peak capacity. This helps to pressurize systems especially during high demand periods which currently is more than usual due to supply/demand challenges caused by the storm.
Conserving water allows our reservoirs to adequately fill to bring water service with consistent pressure to homes and businesses islandwide.
How does the way I use MY water affect someone else getting their water service back?
The rate at which people use water varies throughout the day – for example, you use much more in the morning when you are showering and preparing breakfast, than you do at other times of the day.
Similarly, you use more in the evening when you cook, clean and get ready for bed, than you do when you are asleep.
Our wells pump water at a constant rate – they are not currently designed to adjust in the morning, or during the evening hours – they pump out the same rate of water throughout the day. This is where the reservoirs come into play.
When water usage is low, water pumped from the wells goes into a reservoir to be stored for later use. When we have plenty of water in our reservoirs, there is plenty for people to use in periods of high demand. Even if many people are using a large amount of water, you don’t notice any service interruption, because there is plenty of water in the reservoirs to keep your water flowing.
So, by you using water conservatively, you are helping to allow the reservoirs to fill up, which assists to pressurize our system, helping the system stabilize to get water service to your friends and family that may not have it yet.
Can GWA tell me what day/time my water will be restored?
As we mentioned earlier, the GWA water system is a dynamic one. Because the water usage throughout the island fluctuates, it is difficult to predict when reservoir levels in your area will be enough to push water to all homes and businesses until we can produce pre-storm water supply of 34+ million gallons of water daily and fill our reservoirs.
When we can achieve this type of water production daily, residents can expect islandwide water available to them that matches pre-storm levels.
Please rest assured that our GWA team is working around the clock to find solutions to restore your water service. We thank you for your continued patience and support during this challenging time.