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Every Drop Counts!
WATER is one of the most valuable resources we have. It is essential for life and something we should never take for granted! Protecting and conserving our water resources is extremely important, and everyone, even YOU, can help. We invite you to encourage your family and friends to do the same.
Here are some things YOU can do:
- Look out for leaking faucets and pipes around your home. If you should come across any leaks, let your parents know to have them repaired them right away. Not only will this help us to save water, but it will also help your family save money that can be used for other things.
- Take shorter showers.
- Turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth and turn it on only when you are ready to rinse.
- If washing dishes is one of your chores, don’t leave the water running when you are soaping up the dishes. Run the water when you are ready to rinse.
- Encourage the members of your family who do laundry to wash full loads.
- If helping to wash the family car is one of your chores, don’t leave the water running when you are lathering up the car; use a hose nozzle attachment that allows you to shut off or control the water flow, or turn the spigot off until you are ready to rinse.
- You should also ask your parents to consider:
- Replacing your older toilets with low-flush or dual flush ones Older style toilets use nearly 4 times as many gallons per flush .
- Installing aerators in your indoor faucets and low-flow showers - These devices are inexpensive, simple to install and can reduce your home’s water consumption as much as 50%. They can reduce the energy cost of heating the water by as much as 50%, as well. Tell your parents that this small investment of switching to water-saving fixtures and devices will pay for itself in no time at all, and save them potentially hundreds of dollars in future utility costs for years to come.
- Watering the lawn and plants early in the morning or early evening will also help.
- Remind adults to dispose of used oil and household chemicals properly. Report any illegal dumping of these substances. Being environmentally conscious can help us to protect our water resources.
P.S. You can also report any water leaks you come across at school, any facility, building or establishment to the proper authorities, or you can contact GWA at 646-4211.